Age 6 with experience or new 7-year-old


$56 per month or $560 yearly

Friday 5:30=6:30

Saturday 11-12:00

A combination of ballet and tap.  They will perform a ballet and song a tap dance in the recital, with a costume for each. They will be introduced to jazz, as they are also in the big kid jazz dance finale at the end of the recital.

Attire– any color or style dance wear, no sweats

Shoes - (All styles are available for ordering at the studio) Boys - check with Miss Linda for shoe requirements.


1. pink leather or canvas ballet slippers

2. tan tap shoes - No ribbons allowed - buckles or elastic only!

Recital costume– 2 $65 costumes due in October and November. Costumes comes with free tights and a garment bag)

 REGISTRATION FEE - A $25 for 1 student, or $35 for a family— non-refundable registration fee is required yearly with the registration form and this signed policy paper to reserve a class space. Registration is not considered complete and class space is not reserved until this fee is paid and the policy is digitally signed.